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Preserving and providing the certainty of the

Traditional Roman Catholic Sacraments and Catechesis

following the call of Our Lady through God’s Holy and Divine Providence since 2007

St. Stanislaus Of JesusMary Papczynski, OIC

St. Stanislaus Of JesusMary Papczynski, OIC

offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

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A true Roman Catholic priest’s

testament through tradition of the wayward modern church

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St. Stanislaus Of JesusMary Papczynski, OIC

assisting the dying in the fields of battle.

Gethsemani mission


spiritual mitigation in a turbulent world

Rosary Catholic Faith
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Who are The Old Romans?

We are first and foremost properly Roman Catholic. We are simply Traditional Catholics working and praying together for the restoration of the faith and traditions of the Roman Catholic Church, through the preservation and perpetuation of the authentic Latin Catholic liturgy and Sacraments, promotion of the traditional faith and catechism by our devotion and witness.

Are you Catholic?

Yes. This question is usually asked because we are mistaken for so many other groups and movements that have truly separated themselves from Holy Mother Church like the "Old Catholics" or "sedevacantists". We do not suppose to "set-up" a hierarchy of our own. In order to perpetuate the validity and liceity of the Roman Catholic sacraments we have properly ordained and consecrated Bishops without interruption since Rome's illegal annexation in 1853.

What is your status in The Church?

Our Bishops have been waiting for a canonical answer to the illegal machinations of Pius IX since it happened in 1853. Our history is a bit turbulent as one could imagine but overall The Old Romans have never deviated from the ancient rites and customs of the Church. Our status is like any other cleric in the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church who stands up for "what has always been believed everywhere and by all" (St. Vincent of Lerins): one is effectively CANCELED.

Under whose jurisdiction do you operate?

We operate in Missionary status, meaning we believe the Church to be in crisis, our properly ordained and consecrated Primate, Archbishop Jerome Lloyd, Titular Bishop of Selsey, has provided the dollowing two documents to help you understand:

A treatise on Canon Law as it applies to Old Roman clergy

Old Roman Validity

Apostolic Succession

Faq Outline Icon
Faq Outline Icon
Faq Outline Icon

What does "pre-55" mean?

Many people get confused at the distinction of the proper Traditional Latin Mass. The Old Romans ( have never veered from the Ancient Latin Rites of The Church. The distinction is probably the result of the SSPX ( who were founded as a result of Vatican II and Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre's desire to restore and defend the traditional Sacraments. So, the "'62 Rite" is practiced according to the Novus Ordo calendar. One must be very careful about this.

Is the Novus Order/Pauline Rite Mass Valid?

It is, at the very least, doubtful. Why? One must realize that another change Vatican II implemented is the way bishops are consecrated. The form was changed to such a degree that now the Novus Ordo consecrations of new bishops is doubtful making any priestly ordinations they perform doubtful and all of the Sacraments doubtful. See more here:

How do i learn more?

You can check out our Resource page or there are great resources on the Archbishop's website at As well, you can Contact me here and I would be only too happy to answer them!